Towards a Great Caribbean Light Source – Leo Violin (April 2024)

Title: A proposal for Latin American Synchrotron in the Greater Caribbean (GCLS)

Speaker: Leo Violini – Centro Internacional de Física

Host: Antoine Islegen-Wojdyla (ALS)

Date and time: Monday April 8th, 2024 – 2pm 

Location: B15-rm253

Description: Leo Violini will present the latest developments of the proposal for a second Latin American Synchrotron in the Greater Caribbean (GCLS). He will discuss the necessity of such a facility to meet Latin American science priorities and will examine the implementation challenges. These challenges are expected to closely mirror those encountered by the African Light Source (AfLS), including user training, ensuring sustainable financing, the possibility of international financial support, and the role of international organizations. Dr. Violini will highlight the significance of South-South cooperation, which is anticipated to garner attention and support from similar facilities like SESAME and LNLS. These facilities could play a crucial role in training and, in the case of GCLS, in the project's design. He will also outline the efforts that will be made to secure political support from regional governments and international organizations, especially UNESCO. The success of these actions could be influenced by the current political scenarios in both regions, which he will comment on. Finally, he will present a road map for the next couple of years.

Big science in Latin America: accelerate particles and progress – Nature (March 2024)

About Leo Violini: Galileo Violini is a theoretical physicist and director emeritus of the Centro Internacional de Física in Bogotà  (Columbia.) He is the recipient of the 2024 Joseph A. Burton Forum Award for "For establishing programs in physics education and research in Latin America and the Caribbean that increased regional scientific capacity, for promoting international scientific cooperation across continents and regions of the world, and for creating the Centro Internacional de Física in Colombia." He graduated from La Sapienza University in Rome.

Event recording